Sunday, May 9, 2010

She Walks in Silence

She walks in silence as her heals hit the floor in high pitches. A tear starts to form in her eye and quickly she extinguishes it before it falls. She is saddened, hurt left to feel betrayal. She wonders what she has done to deserve this, to suffer unimaginable pain. She walks in silence as her hips sway side to side and she remembers the sweet words that were once said. She was beautiful, she was lively, she even was one full of life. But now she walks in silence as she remembers her destiny. She is lonely, afraid and wounded. She is alone and to her she always will be that way.

She walks in silence as her gold bracelets clang together, creating a sound in an otherwise quiet place. Another tear drops and she is too late, it falls down her cheek and then hits the ground. As if a waterfall, the tears gush towards her heart. She passes by a mirror, the only one in the entire room and stares at herself.

She is ashamed, humiliated, depressed, she is injured, she is isolated, living in a world that offers no forgiveness. Yet she stares at herself, the scar from the burn suffocating her, indulging its sweet fire smell, she closes her eyes. Because just like others can not look at her, she can not face herself. She is no longer beautiful, no longer is she lively, she has now been abandoned, left to pity herself, left to cry and shudder alone. She walks in silence as her heart slows in beats; she walks in silence as she lays herself into the earth, into the unknown, into a world that will not be as kind as this one.

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