Sunday, August 22, 2010

Scents of a Memory

Standing in the sweet breeze that wafts through my soft hair
Laughing at the fragrant rays that warms my fair skin
Touching the aromatic sands that fall through my delicate fingers
Smelling the scented flowers that tickle my pretty nose

I remember you, remember me,
Two hearts that were intertwined like doves
Two souls cast together like a river into the ocean
Your eyes fell upon me and I fell upon thee,
Hungry with the want of devotion, the feel of love
Sweet memories from these sweet scents emerge from the very depth of my being,
holding me to recollections that cannot be vanquished nor erased,
Dressing me in delightful perfumes of jasmine and gardenia,
Scents of memories I cannot escape,
for I have fallen into the earth as it divided with a rumbling shake,
embracing my thoughts, replacing my doubts…
but alas!
I have awakened and find that these memories exist only in my mind and heart
Reality exposes me to what those memories have become
As I sit here alone, my body wet from the bitter rain,
Cold and shivering from the void of sunlight,
Breathless from the foul odor

I am one soul, deprived of love,
one heart, broken into fragments
these scents of a memory exist
but only in my memory…


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Most US students think Beethoven is a dog  

Interesting article of how generations continue on to college with very little knowledge of real life issues, history and political movements. It seems that this recent generation of college students are interested just in the "snookies" and "situations" of the world, along with Survivor and the bachelor...Reality TV ...has ultimately become of the death of intelligent human beings...such a shame! Books are no longer read, letters are no longer written and debates on prevalent topics have become non-existent....Such a cruel and unusual world we are raising our kid.

Oh how naive a person can be when they listen to words made out of honey instead of a heart made out of stone!

Chances are there to be taken, if you fail at seeing the opportunity in front of your eyes, your heart lives forever wondering what could have been, your soul, although it may be happy and free of regret, can still hurt with the emptiness of not knowing...

Words - so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne

Life is sometimes a disappointment...only when you allow stupid people to take control of it...let them go and see how much more meaningful life becomes.