Thursday, October 18, 2012


Despair encompasses my heart
Like a warm blanket on a cold night
A tear streams down my anemic facade
Like a waterfall into a disturbed sea
Raging waves, unbreakable, uncontrollable
Like my pathetic thoughts of truth and hope
I am lost to the world that has no remorse
To a place that holds no sacred meaning
A map within my pliable grasp is empty
Void of lines and borders, shades and regions
A blank canvas of pure white
The soft wind whispers my name
As I search for where to stand, where to run, where to hide
Upon uneven ground, rubble and demolished pavements
Unbalanced I fall, mutilating my heart
The essence of hope, the need for trust, the sense of devotion
Have all expired along with my dreams
Emptiness and loneliness tingle through my blood
As the cold wind blows across my ghost
My shadow kneels in ashes left by my burning delusions
Of a castle in the sky, a never ending rainbow
Of love that lasts and friendship that endures
Broken body, torn soul, forsaken heart
Lost forever, lost nowhere, lost eternally

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